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Regulatory consistency needed to avert crisis repeat

Experts have called for a global central bank and financial authority to monitor and regulate markets to help avoid a recurrence of the 2008…

Bollard Says Crisis Challenged Officials to Boost Oversight

In his speech to the Sim Kee Boon Institute for Financial Economics forum yesterday, Reserve Bank of New Zealand Governor Alan Bollard said central…

Seems it's easier for women to enter politics than the boardroom

Asst Prof Eugene Tan noted that the barriers to politics seem lower for women because political parties need to attract women candidates.

GE: Wealth gap weighing on PAP before elections

Asst Prof Eugene Tan said that a relatively poor showing at the General Election would see the PAP back to the drawing board - not just to re-examine…

Chiam See Tong banking on old ties?

Assistant Professor Eugene Tan said that PAP has been very cautious in averting all criticisms on Chiam See Tong's health condition to avoid riling…

Hot single seats

Asst Prof Eugene Tan says voters are more comfortable with the incumbent Cedric Foo, plus Steve Chia's past has not been forgotten.

Singapore voters head to the ballot box in hotly contested election

Assistant Professor Eugene Tan said that younger Singaporeans, who voice their dissent in popular internet forums, were increasingly unwilling to…

Observers: Chee Soon Juan could have dragged down SDP votes

Assistant Professor Eugene Tan said that the Singapore Democratic Party gave the impression of being confrontational, aggressive and provocative…

Singapore opposition makes historic gains

SMU politics specialist Eugene Tan said the use of social media had broadened the debate both directly and by encouraging more even-handed coverage…

Singapore ruling party PAP wins general election despite contest

Asst Prof Eugene Tan said there were still the silent majority in the general election but the PAP has made commitments to better communicate with…