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Workers' Party wins a GRC; towards a 2-party parliament

Asst Prof Eugene Tan thinks it is difficult for the SDP and WP to join forces as they have different doctrines and strategies. WP is more moderate;…

CSISG Q1 findings show strong consumer confidence in the Retail sector

Singapore, 11 May 2011 (Wednesday) – The Institute of Service Excellence at the Singapore Management University (ISES) ( 卓越服务研究所 ) announces the…

Govt regulation must not stifle markets: MAS

At a conference organised by the Sim Kee Boon Institute for Financial Economics yesterday, Ravi Menon, the new MAS managing director said government…

Australia-based student donated $19,000

Asst Prof Jack Lee says there is nothing that prevents a Singapore citizen based overseas from donating to a political association.

101 East Singapore elections

Assistant professor of law Eugene Tan and Siew Kum Hong, a former Nominated Member of Parliament comment on why they think the PAP has stayed in…

‘Utterly wrong'? Tan Jee Say makes economic sense

Reader Paul Chan takes umbrage at Economics professor Augustine Tan's view that SDP candidate Tan Jee Say's ideas for change are “utterly…

12th GE orderly despite greater supporter participation

Commenting on SPP's Chiam See Tong, Asst Prof Eugene Tan said that people voted for him not just out of sympathy but because of genuine respect for…

How the affluent will cast their vote

Assistant Professor Eugene Tan said that in order to access the affluent and educated in the Holland-Bukit Timah GRC, political candidates need to be…

Pritam Singh

Mr Pritam Singh joined the Singapore Management University's Juris Doctor programme in 2009 and is slated to be called to the Bar at the end of this…

Analysis: Singapore may now have to tackle income gap

On foreign workers and demographic issues, SMU Asst Prof Eugene Tan said immigration would be seen as an imperative but the numbers will be moderated…