After the passion
Asst Prof Eugene Tan pointed out that whenever car or food prices increase, people will feel that the government is not doing enough. Hence in this…
They're young and politically active
Asst Prof Eugene Tan said more political discussions or forums can be expected in the near future to cater to the growing interest in Singapore…
How about a Singapore-Jakarta consensus?
Mahdev Mohan, asst prof of law at Singapore Management University and an associate fellow of the Singapore Institute of International Affairs, writes…
Men with high pay are sexy?
A writer discusses Assoc Prof Norman Li's research on mating and how it relates to human survival instincts.
New Cabinet
In response to the announcement by MM Lee Kuan Yew and SM Goh Chok Tong last Saturday, 14 May, Asst Prof Eugene comments on the significance of a new…
Ethnic Chinese values and philanthropy
Associate Professor Thomas Menkhoff and Assistant Professor Hoon Chang Yau contributed a commentary on how the legacy of ethnic Chinese…
Cabinet needs to fill the positions of three ministers, three senior minsters of state and two ministers of state
Asst Prof Eugene Tan said the aging population issue remains an important one and it is likely that a new minister will be assigned to oversee it.
Let's not dismiss reform of GRC system
Assistant Professor Eugene Tan is of the view that a three-member GRC is most ideal because in a smaller team, each member plays a larger role and…
After GE 2011, SDA at the crossroad
The Singapore Democratic Alliance ponders its future, while other opposition parties plot strategy for next battle. Political observer Eugene Tan,…
Voters circle and mark ticks on their ballot to show their unhappiness with the ruling party
According to the Parliamentary Elections Act, Asst Prof Eugene Tan said only when no mark is made on the ballot or the marks are inconclusive will it…