Lee News Won't Affect S'pore Econ Policy - SMU Prof
Asst Prof Eugene Tan said while there will be changes in form of government--the stylistics, the nuances, the approaches--but the substance of…
Lee, Goh Quit Singapore Cabinet Posts
Asst Prof Eugene Tan said it underlines that the PAP and government are not averse to change.
Forex dos and don'ts
Associate Professor Jeremy Goh commented that having forex in one's portfolio can be a good source of diversification while Senior Lecturer Ang Ser-…
Stepping down of six veteran ministers means that the average age of new cabinet is 40-50 years old
Asst Prof Eugene Tan does not see the retirement of veteran ministers as a problem, saying that the younger ministers should do well as long as there…
Some Singaporeans feel a loss of six cabinet ministers is too much in such a short time
Asst Prof Eugene Tan explained that with the fourth-generation of leaders just entering government, the presence of the first- or second-generation…
A new, post-Lee Kuan Yew era
Eugene Tan, asst prof of law at SMU writes a commentary on Minister mentor Lee Kuan Yew's departure and how it reinforces the belief that the…
Friends are the best investment
Toh Yi Fan, second-year business studies undergraduate and member of the SMU E.y.E. Investment Club, is the fifth SMU student to be featured out of…
Six veteran ministers step down
Asst Prof Eugene Tan says that even as there is going to be an adjustment period, Singapore should still stand in good stead internationally because…
Lee steps down, but not full break with past
Asst Prof Eugene Tan said we will see change in the form of government in terms of how policies are packaged, how they are presented, how they are…
Singapore faces life without Lee
Assistant Professor Eugene Tan commented that the old way of doing things was increasingly being seen as anachronistic and being out of touch or even…