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Opportunities in maritime

SMU student Sean Seah, one of this year’s MaritimeONE scholarship recipients, shared his reasons for choosing SMU’s Maritime Economics Concentration…

Trading up

Financial observers applauded the business model of CWT, the largest logistics company listed in Southeast Asia. SMU Vice President, Business…

Plain truth about audit adjustments

According to a study, the first of its kind in the world, published by SMU and the Accounting Regulatory Authority (ACRA), it was revealed that S$33.…

Measuring the impact of financial policies

SMU Assistant Professor of Finance Tang Yuehua examines the impact of regulatory policies, particularly those that dictate what information fund…

Estimating risks and resolving paradoxes

SMU Professor of Finance Lim Kian Guan uses sophisticated mathematical tools to extract information out of options data so as to provide more…

The importance of being an ethical company

Associate Dean (Research) of the SMU School of Accountancy and Professor of Accounting Cheng Qiang studies the phenomenon of companies engaging in…

Making sense of social media

SMU Professor of Information Systems and Living Analytics Research Centre Director Lim Ee Peng, who specialised in databases during his PhD study,…

The tale of three business heroes

SMU adjunct faculty member Larry Haverkamp gave a short commentary on the success and personal lives of three of his business heroes – Warren Buffet…

Investment tips for students

The second Young and Savvy seminar organised by The Straits Times and presenting sponsor Frank by OCBC will be held at SMU on 2 September at 3.30pm…

SMU undergrad excels without pressure

SMU graduate Shayus Shahida Sharif had completed her studies as a top student in political science and was subsequently chosen to be the…