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Kenneth Jeyaretnam opens fire at opponents: “I’m the most eligible contender”

SMU Assistant Professor of Law Eugene Tan commented that the concept of Desmond Lim’s “online rally” was quite interesting as there was nothing…

Ten Questions: Adeline Tan

SMU alumnus Adeline Tan, the founder of The Healing Concierge, a Singapore-based business that has developed green smoothies, made from vegetables,…

Punggol East by-election

In light of the upcoming Punggol East by-election, SMU Assistant Professor of Law Eugene Tan commented on the advantages of tactical voting. He also…

Punggol East by-election

In light of the upcoming Punggol East by-election, SMU Assistant Professor of Law Eugene Tan commented on the advantages of tactical voting. He also…

Patron’s Day 2013: SMU’s retro birthday celebrations

SMU celebrated its Patron’s Day with a retro-themed birthday party on 18 January. The University’s first major event in 2013 got the year off to a…

A lifeline for live music lovers

SMU alumnus Clarence Chan, who graduated with first-class honours in economics and business, came up with the idea for Bandwagon during his final…

Singapore offers full scholarship for East Asian students

The 19 February deadline for submitting applications to the Singapore’s “Goh Keng Swee Scholarship” is fast approaching. The Goh Keng Swee…

Handbook for mental wellness practitioners

SMU launched a book entitled “A Basic Guide on Peer Helping” on Friday. It provides useful information for mental wellness practitioners and…

Analysts: AIM Saga could be WP’s last strike on PAP

SMU Assistant Professor of Law Eugene Tan commented that the Action Information Management Pte Ltd (AIM) saga would be “one of Workers’ Party’s (WP)…

The fight for Rivervale Plaza

People’s Action Party candidate Koh Poh Koon went on a walkabout on his own even though Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong was also present to lobby for…