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Govt's light touch to continue: Yaacob

The new ruling is not a “fundamental shift of policy”. However, while the “light touch” approach to regulating the internet remains, the new…

Minister: MDA will be 'judicious' with Internet regulation

Minister for Communications and Information Yaacob Ibrahim assured the public on Wednesday that the Government will continue to be "judicious" in its…

Rags to Riches

Singapore is a rags-to riches-story – a story of one of the richest countries in the world, where you can find the highest concentration of…

Budget airline to drop tiger icon in relaunch

Low-cost carrier Tiger Airways is giving up its orange and black stripes - but not its roar. The airline will keep its name but drop the pouncing…

The need to adapt to local tastes: Oreo changed its biscuits for China

Kraft Foods’ flagship Oreo brand first went on sale in China in 1996. However, sales were lacklustre and by 2005 it was clear that one of the world’s…

SMU ExD launches Open Enrolment Programmes with executive panel discussion on women and leadership

What is the role of the enterprise in nurturing women leaders?  What does it take for women to rise up to the challenge?  What is the role that men…

Securing human rights in business

Asst Prof of Law Mahdev Mohan co-authored a commentary piece reporting on Professor John Ruggie's - United Nations Special Adviser on Business &…

Legal education scheme to start next year

SMU is among several accredited providers of training programmes administered by the Singapore Institute of Legal Education under the Singapore…

RP graduates benefit from internships

They no longer lose out in the job race; some even win scholarships for university. Mr Yeo Li Pheow faced a torrent of feedback when he started work…

Hope for new law school: Generalists, specialists

Students from Singapore's proposed third law school will graduate with knowledge that spans various fields of law. But Senior Minister of State for…