China will maintain its stability and development in 2009

Assistant Professor of Sociology Forrest Zhang commented that several sensitive political anniversaries in China could be flashpoint s for …

New course to groom stockbrokers

A new training programme has been launched by SMU, in partnership with Singapore Exchange and the Securities Association of Singapore, with the aim…

New programme at SMU to develop talent for the stockbroking profession

[4 February 2009] New programme at SMU to develop talent for the stockbroking profession The new SMU-SAS Certificate in Securities Marketing is one…

SMU launches new course to develop talent for stockbroking industry

Partnering the Singapore Exchange and the Securities Association of Singapore, the SMU has launched a new programme - SMU-SAS Certificate in…

Galleon Hedge Fund names Frank Wong as Asia Chairman

Associate Professor Melvyn Teo, director of the BNP Paribas Hedge Fund Centre at SMU commented that for some hedge funds, it is helpful to be nearer…

Economic Opportunities for Women In Asia-Pacific

SMU is organising the knowledge-sharing conference, ?Economic Opportunities for Women in Asia-Pacific? from 13-15 February. Details.

$100 million in three years to raise service standards

The Institute of Service Excellence at SMU is part of the $100 million Go the Extra Mile for Service (Gems) phase two movement.

$100m to improve service quality here

Yesterday, Singapore companies were given a $100 million lifeline to improve service quality, of which $10 million will go into research to develop…

Evolution of Business School education

Doris Sohmen-Pao, Director of the MBA programme at SMU says that the stress is on international business, interest is very much in Asia, Europe,…

$100 million to raise service standards

The Institute of Service Excellence at SMU is part of the $100 million Go the Extra Mile for Service (Gems) movement.