Giving teen entrepreneurs an early start

Professor Desai Narasimhalu, Director of the Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at SMU commented that youths are becoming more…

Put on your thinking cap

Here's your chance to win S$1 million with the Lien i3 Challenge, a competition aimed at catalysing social innovations and is established by the Lien…

Meet Dr Love

According to a recent study by social psychologist Associate Professor Norman Li, women with higher levels of oestradiol ? a key sex hormone ? were…

Business Consultancy courses under SPUR for PMETs?

The SMU said one programme they were working on is a training course to groom more business consultants for SMEs. Dean of Executive and Professional…

A hire way out of the financial fire

Assistant Professor Davin Chor commented that the difficult issue for public-sector hiring will be whether the Government can find workers with the…

First of the cuts?

Transport analyst Terence Fan, from the SMU Lee Kong Chian School of Business, felt a fare cut across the board, as well as further discounts for ez-…

Additional S$150m given to SPUR programme to help retrain professionals

Associate Professor Annie Koh said that many professionals would be keen to be trained to work in the non-profit sector because they would have…

Adventures in education

SMU President Professor Howard Hunter looks back on five eventful years at the helm of the University.

Singapore's first dip into reserves may fall short: analysts

Professor Annie Koh, dean of executive and professional education at SMU, said that the stimulus cash will come from Singapore-dollar savings…

Sailing's 2012 medal target is on

TODAY reported on Wednesday that five of Singapore's 14-strong Olympic sailing squad are taking a break to focus on their studies. Among the five is…