Pretty women more likely to cheat?
SMU Associate Professor Norman Li's joint study with a University of Texas doctoral candidate was the key focus of this article which examines why…
Top students drawn to NUS courses
For the first time, the three universities have disclosed cut-off points for admission to their undergraduate programmes ? SMU's law degree is at AAA…
Learning from the Japanese experience
SMU Chairman Ho Kwon Ping argues that in these times, the US economy would do well to learn from how Japan rode out of its ?Lost Decade?.
Growing trend abroad
Practice Assistant Professor Michael Netzley thinks that the trend of 'net savvy, entrepreneurial mums running online ventures' is here to stay.
Protectionist measures can push US deeper into recession: Expert
Free trade advocate Joel Stern says the US leadership has to rethink the adoption of a protectionist stance as it could backfire on them. Experts…
US must avoid trade barriers, say experts
Mr Joel Stern suggested ? at a talk at SMU ? that the US should not resort to protectionism to save its economy as this could cause a ripple effect…
Temasek's assets fell 31 pct amid market turmoil ? gov
SMU Associate Professor of Finance Melvyn Teo said Temasek's performance was not unexpected given its large holding of financial stocks and the huge…
Stern Stewart: American recession to last till second half of 2010
Mr Joel Stern predicted that the American economy will slide 5% to 6% this year and the recession will last till at least the second half of next…
MBA becomes a safe haven
Ms Doris Sohmen-Pao, Director of the SMU MBA programme, commented that its careers service is essentially performing the function of an executive…
Investor Jim Rogers takes issue with US policies
Financial experts Joel Stern and Jim Rogersspoke at a panel discussion organised by the International Trading Institute at SMU.