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Fine-tuning the tax system

SMU Professor of Accounting (Practice) Sum Yee Loong was of the view that on the whole there should not be any drastic changes to Singapore’s tax…

Moving forward with great expectations

In an invited commentary, SMU Behavioural Sciences Institute Director Professor David Chan discussed issues of public expectations. He explained the…

Singapore universities sign MOU on legal education with Myanmar

The law faculties of SMU and NUS have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Co-operation in Legal Education with the University of Yangon on…

SME’s Budget hopes

SMU Professor of Accounting Sum Yee Loong and Chief Operating Officer of the Singapore Business Association Victor Tay discussed the issues that…

SSA sponsors maritime scholarships

Students from SMU and the Singapore Maritime Academy at the Singapore Polytechnic will be offered the MaritimeONE Scholarship Programme administered…

S'pore universities to sign legal education agreements with Myanmar varsities

SMU School of Law and NUS Faculty of Law will sign a Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) on co-operation with the University of Yangon's Department of…

Real income up for most working households

SMU Vice President (Business Development and External Relations) and Academic Director of the Business Families Institute, Associate Professor Annie…

SIT becomes 5th autonomous uni here

The five-year-old Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) is now Singapore's fifth autonomous university, with the passing of a Bill in Parliament on…

Charity donations don't address root causes: study

According to the study – Levers For Change: Philanthropy in South East Asian Countries – by the Lien Centre for Social Innovation at SMU, charitable…

Non-profit sector doing well but 'gaps remain'

According to a new report on strategic philanthropy released by the Lien Centre for Social Innovation at SMU on Monday, Singapore's well-developed…