GE2020: No wipeout but another breakthrough for the Workers' Party

In a commentary, SMU Associate Professor of Law Eugene Tan examined how the 2020 general election results show both the putative importance and the…

Foster positivity amid Covid-19 challenges

In an invited commentary, SMU Behavioural Sciences Institute Director Professor David Chan discussed the importance of fostering positive attitudes…

Survey: Seniors spending less during pandemic

A study by the SMU Centre for Research On Successful Ageing (ROSA) looked at the impact of the coronavirus and circuit breaker (CB) measures on the…

SMU study: Income and expenditure for seniors reduced during CB

A study by the SMU Centre for Research On Successful Ageing (ROSA) looked at the impact of the coronavirus and circuit breaker (CB) measures on the…

Workers' Party has a long way to go

In a commentary, SMU Associate Professor of Law Eugene Tan discussed and shared his insights on how the 2020 general election has turned out to be a…

Ong Ye Kung: Taking the time for face-to-face interaction is an important part of uni life

Former Education Minister Ong Ye Kung, and now currently Transport Minister, fulfilled his earlier commitment to attend SMU's virtual Freshmen…

Law graduate wants to give back to society

When Arina Rashid was in her second year studying law at SMU, her father was retrenched. She said that it was the most challenging period in her…

'Computer expert' excited to promote Malay culture

Hani 'Aiman Mohamed Ishak, who took up Information Systems at SMU, did community work in Guizhou, China organised by SMU when she was in her first…

Challenges faced by graduate in the job market

Ameera Abdul Wahab, who graduated with a Bachelor of Accountancy (High Merit) from SMU, said that she was forced to reject an offer by the University…

What the new Cabinet line-up says about leadership continuity and renewal

In a commentary, SMU Associate Professor of Law Eugene Tan discussed three features that stood out in the new Cabinet line-up after the July 10…