How one Gen Z student made a difference with care packs

SMU student Victoria Tammy Neo shares her key takeaway from her six-month internship with Adidas Singapore and how it had helped her to grow despite…

Five schools recognised for efforts in improving mental health

SMU was one of the five educational institutions recognised for its efforts in promoting mental health awareness on campus. The winners received the…

Saving ugly foods to bring waste down to zero

Social enterprise TreeDots is the brainchild of three SMU alumni: Tylor Jong, Lau Jia Cai and Nicholas Lim. Founded in January 2018, it offers an…

National golfer back on course after battling mysterious illness

SMU student and national golfer Jen Goh was on the way to becoming a golf pro when she found that she could no longer move her right arm. But after…

This Singapore start-up hopes to make roads with plastic waste

Magorium, a local start-up founded in mid-2019, is hoping to pave the way for roads made with plastic waste as a solution to the world’s growing…

Survey: Experience with takeaway and takeouts influence customer loyalty the most

SMU Institute of Service Excellence recently released its 2020 Q3 Customer Satisfaction Index of Singapore, which found that in the food and beverage…

More staycations, food delivery and takeaway: Survey

Singapore residents are willing to spend more on staycations and also go on staycations more frequently, according to a survey conducted by the SMU…

Prepping student-managers for a post-Covid-19 Asia

In an interview, SMU President Professor Lily Kong discussed how the pandemic has helped affirm the three areas of focus that the University had set…

On a mission to tackle food and packaging waste

Social enterprise TreeDots is the brainchild of three SMU alumni: Tylor Jong, Lau Jia Cai and Nicholas Lim. It is a bustling online platform that…

Commentary: Retail isn’t dead – look at snaking queues outside Apple stores

In a commentary, SMU Lee Kong Chian Professor of Marketing and Director of the SMU Retail Centre of Excellence Kapil Tuli noted that while the retail…