Commentary: Burnout isn’t just exhaustion. Workers can also feel cynical or inadequate

In a joint commentary, SMU Assistant Professor of Psychology (Education) Andree Hartanto and SMU student Tina Ng Li Yi shared about recent…

Commentary: Are food delivery and ride-hailing the new sweatshops?

In a commentary, SMU Assistant Professor of Strategic Management Simon Schillebeeckx discussed if food delivery and ride-hailing platforms have…

Resolving NS-lite sports tensions through a paradox lens

In a commentary, SMU Assistant Professor of Strategic Management (Education) Kenneth Goh acknowledged and celebrated the success of Singapore's…

Technology lends a hand to green e-commerce

In a commentary, SMU Associate Professor of Finance Liang Hao and Cheah Sin Mei, Senior Case Writer at the SMU Centre for Management Practice,…

Accounting for a Hopeful World

In a commentary, SMU Associate Provost for Postgraduate Professional Education and Associate Professor of Accounting (Practice) Themin Suwardy noted…

Majulah Para Sports Bursary awards $30k to athletes

In 2012, SMU student Alina Seow began horse riding as part of physical therapy for her cerebral palsy condition. She has gone on to participate and…

Smart manufacturing and its implications for Singapore's SMEs

In a commentary, SMU Professor of Organisational Behaviour & Human Resources (Education) Thomas Menkhoff and SMU postgraduate student…

Studying Arts and Science, and bravely navigating Deep Tech

SMU alumna Ong Wei Ching, who graduated last year with a major in Politics, Law and Economics, is currently working as a data scientist at medtech…

Businesses need to take a harder look at sustainability as expectations change

The 2021 Dentons Rodyk Dialogue – a partnership between SMU and law firm Dentons Rodyk – saw faculty members and industry experts discuss issues…

Roadblocks may hamper agreement at COP26: Grace Fu

The 2021 Dentons Rodyk Dialogue – a partnership between SMU and law firm Dentons Rodyk – saw faculty members and industry experts discuss issues…