Many in Singapore say smartphones, air-conditioning, short holidays and family bonding are essential, a new study said. These were among 40 items and activities that respondents deemed essential in the study on household needs conducted by SMU and funded by the Ministry of Social and Family Development. SMU Professor of Sociology (Practice) and Director of Centre for Research on Successful Ageing Paulin Straughan, who led the first study, said the hope is to reveal the gaps that may aid efforts to help disadvantaged Singaporeans break out of deprivation, which is defined in the study as being unable to afford items considered essential. Sharing other insights, she noted that perceptions towards higher expenditure activities and items like holidays and the need for adequate savings differed across income groups. She said the next run of the study may be done in five years’ time, to see if new interventions introduced can plug the gaps found, such as the lack of emergency savings.