SMU welcomes 17th batch of undergraduates for Academic Year 2016

New academic major in Politics, Law and Economics, the first-of-its-kind in Singapore, takes in its inaugural cohort of 46 students.
By the SMU Corporate Communications team

Singapore, 12 August 2016 (Friday) – Singapore Management University (SMU) welcomed its 17th cohort of 1983 freshmen at its Convocation Ceremony held at Suntec Convention Centre today. Starting 15 August, the new cohort will pursue degree programmes in accountancy, business management, economics, information systems, law and social sciences. They will also have the opportunity to take up new offerings which are introduced for the first time in the forthcoming academic year. 

Dr Victor Fung, Group Chairman of Fung Group and Honorary Chairman of Li & Fung Limited, was the Guest-of-Honour and delivered the Keynote Address. SMU Chancellor Mr J Y Pillay, SMU Chairman Mr Ho Kwon Ping and SMU President Professor Arnoud De Meyer were also present to grace the event.

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Alluding to the Sports theme of the Convocation Ceremony, SMU Chairman Mr Ho Kwon Ping said, “Sports imparts upon us both leadership and humility, self-awareness and empathy. It is simply engaging in the pursuit of sports, rather than the attainment of excellence in it, that imparts “character” in a young person. The corollary in the academic life is the fact that more often than not, it is in the asking WHY that one learns more, than in simply knowing the answer.”

Chairman Ho added, “A defining characteristic of an SMU education is still its interactive pedagogy – interacting with faculty members and peers, rather than sitting and listening to lectures.” He encouraged the freshmen to “speak out but also listen – make sure you understand both or all sides of every argument. If you lose an argument – think about how others were able to influence the consensus or decision makers. SMU imparts a lot more than just teaching. Instead, you will learn how to learn – by always asking ‘why?’”

In his speech, SMU President Professor Arnoud De Meyer shared that two new majors will be launched in this academic year – Entrepreneurship by Lee Kong Chian School of Business, and Politics, Law and Economics by School of Social Sciences. He added that this cohort of freshmen will be “the first to be fully exposed to our innovative and award-winning SMU-X curriculum, which was piloted last year and is being “mainstreamed” this year.” He also highlighted the new facilities which the students can look forward to, including a brand new School of Law Building and new facilities of a remodelled Campus Green.

Adhering to the Sports theme of the ceremony, President De Meyer urged the freshmen to stretch themselves through the limits in five areas. First, academically. SMU’s flexible undergraduate curriculum provide the opportunity for 15 double degree combinations, as well as 41 second majors which offer over 300 possible combinations. Secondly, participate in co-curricular activities (CCA) and other aspects of campus life, take up something new and take on positions of responsibility in the CCA clubs. Thirdly, stretch oneself through community service which offers excellent opportunities to develop soft skills and heart skills. Fourthly, take up internships. Over 10,000 companies across 21 countries employ SMU interns, and one in four SMU students who received job offers before graduation land full-time employment through internships. Finally, through exploration and international exposure. “In 2015, 88% of SMU undergraduates experienced the world through SMU’s global exposure programme. Let’s make this 100% for your cohort,” enthused Prof De Meyer.

New Majors and modules

SMU schools are rolling out new courses in this academic year:

1.       Politics, Law and Economics Major by School of Social Sciences

SMU School of Social Sciences will offer a Bachelor of Social Science in Politics, Law and Economics (PLE) in conjunction with the School of Economics and School of Law. This interdisciplinary PLE major will provide students with a firm understanding of the way politics, law and economics intersect to shape the world in which we live. It will prepare future leaders and thinkers with a deep understanding of global political and economic transformations and the legal frameworks and contexts within which such changes take place.

The PLE combination of disciplines is unique in Singapore and will prepare graduates with the knowledge and breadth of insight to handle multifaceted careers, such as journalism, diplomatic service, foreign affairs, public service, consulting and research, amongst others. 

46 freshmen have been admitted into the inaugural class of this major, which was 25 times over-subscribed.

Other new courses introduced by School of Social Sciences are Introduction to Arts Management, Sustainable Cities and Global Political Economy. (Please refer to Annex A for course description)

2. Entrepreneurship Major by Lee Kong Chian School of Business

The Lee Kong Chian School of Business will offer a new Entrepreneurship major from August 2016 to cater to all SMU undergraduates who are interested in starting businesses or social enterprises, or who want to learn how they can seize opportunities, innovate and create value in existing organisations. The broad range of modules under the major will give students a rigorous grounding in the tools, techniques, theories, practices and contacts required to identify, refine, incubate and grow new business ideas. They will be nurtured with an entrepreneurial mindset, and be made aware of the many complexities that come with being entrepreneurs.

The undergraduates will be broadly and deeply developed and will be able to fully immerse themselves in a wide range of electives, including modules on: Corporate, Social and Technological Entrepreneurship; New Venture Growth; Family Business; and Entrepreneurial Finance. They may also have the opportunity to participate in entrepreneurial study missions to entrepreneurial hotspots such as Silicon Valley, Atlanta and Boston. Those who intend to launch a new business can take the Entrepreneurship Practicum course to augment their ideas with the help of course work and advice from external mentors. 

Other new courses introduced by Lee Kong Chian School of Business are Leadership and Team Building and Ethics and Corporate Responsibility. (Please refer to Annex A for course description)

3. New SMU-X Courses

Every SMU-X course combines academic with experiential learning through the heavy use of projects to challenge and inspire our students to use their disciplinary knowledge and skills in tackling multi-disciplinary, real issues faced by the partner organisations in the private, public and NGO sectors.  Since the introduction of this innovative pedagogy in January 2015, 1,535 students have been involved in as many as 270 group projects with 122 partners via 21 SMU-X courses. 

In February 2016, SMU-X was lauded by global accreditation body AACSB International as an ‘innovation that inspires’.  It was one of the 30 award-winning innovations that stood out from more than 300 submissions received from over 200 institutions across 35 countries. SMU is the only institution in Singapore, and one of three in Asia to be recognised in AACSB’s inaugural ‘Innovations That Inspire’ initiative.

In AY2016/17, the University plans to offer to its undergraduates more SMU-X courses to bring the total course offering to about 25 by the end of the academic year. About 2,000 students and about 150 partners are expected to benefit from the opportunity.

The following five new SMU-X courses will be introduced in AY2016/2017. (Please refer to Annex B for course description)

School of Economics

1.     Introductory Statistics-X

2.     Family and the Society: Economic Theories and Practices

School of Information Systems

3.     Analytics Practicum

School of Law

4.     International Moots 1

5.     Public International Law


New facilities and buildings

1.               New School of Law building to be completed in the coming Academic Year 2016/2017

Scheduled for completion in AY 2016/2017, the new School of Law building will be a distinctive landmark that will contain state-of-the-art facilities used both to enrich the learning experience of SMU law students, as well as involve others within the legal fraternity.

The new 23,000 sqm building (about the size of 52 basketball courts) is located at the junction of Armenian Street and Canning Rise. A key feature of the new building is the 2,200 sqm Kwa Geok Choo Law Library, named in memory of the late Madam Kwa Geok Choo, wife of the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew. The Law Library will be fully equipped with modern technology wired for legal research in the 21st century. Also housed within the new building will be the David Marshall Moot Court, the SMU Pro Bono Centre, and other research centres.

2.               SMU campus $20m development project on-going, to be completed in the coming AY2016/2017

SMU is the only university in Singapore and among very few in the world with a campus in the heart of the city. SMU’s city campus provides a natural focal point and central gathering space for students, faculty as well as the public.

In May 2015, SMU announced a $20 million two-year campus development project which will not only add new learning, teaching and group study spaces, and sports facilities, to its current campus in the city but also transform the landscape of the Civic District by injecting energy and activities to the SMU Campus Green. 

Key features to be added to the SMU city campus include: study lounges, new seminar rooms and flexible-configuration classrooms of various sizes; a centralised Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) space; an expanded, three-storey Fitness Centre; and a new Amphitheatre on Campus Green that will be a focal point of student and community-engagement activities. Altogether, these facilities add a total seating capacity of 1,232. Some of these facilities have been completed and will be opened to students at the start of the new Academic Year.

Lee Kong Chian School of Business Freshmen Mentorship Programme

Piloted in AY2015, LKCSB will jointly offer this mentorship programme from this Academic Year with Mrs Wong Kwok Leong Student Wellness Centre and SMU Business Society. First-year business students who join the programme can benefit from the support provided by an LKCSB alumnus or senior student, as well as the opportunity to learn from his/her experiences. The mentorship may cover issues such as coping with student life, selection of majors and courses, internship and networking, career planning and preparation.

Financial assistance and scholarships

SMU practises a ‘needs-blind’ admission policy where no deserving student will be deprived of an education because of financial hardship. Grants, bursaries, loans and scholarships are available for needy students, so that they can focus on their studies and enjoy an enriching educational journey at SMU. In FY2016, there will be a total of $4.87 million in financial aid to students, combining university resources as well as donor-supported schemes. They will be available to students via the SMU Financial Grant, SMU Bursary, Work Study Grant, SMU Education Loan and SMU Student Computer Loan.

On average, one in 12 freshmen of the new intake will also stand a chance to be awarded a scholarship by the University. There are about 170 scholarships which freshmen can apply for. Some of these give preference to students with financial needs. All scholarships are bond-free.

Shaping students with a heart

Even ahead of the academic year, about 500 SMU freshmen have already participated in a series of student-led community service projects during the orientation period between June and July 2016.

Through Inspirar 2016, students actively engaged and interacted with the elderly to promote active ageing and a healthy lifestyle. More than 300 seniors were engaged through the beneficiary visits. At the finale event held on 30 July at Kolam Ayer Community Club, about 100 seniors from Adventist Home for the Elders, Apex Day Rehabilitation Centre for Elderly, Calvary Community Care, Fei Yue Community Services, Lion Befrienders Service Association (Singapore), Singapore Baptist Convention Golden Age Home and Kolam Ayer Community Club were taught a ‘towel-stretching exercise’ which SMU students had developed. 

In Kidleidoscope 2016, an annual project organised by SMU undergraduates to inspire children from disadvantaged backgrounds to pursue their dreams by instilling confidence in them, SMU freshmen reached out to more than 220 children and youths from CARE Singapore, StagMatch and Calvary Community Care. The project culminated in a fashion show where tie-dyed and silk-screened clothing created by the beneficiaries were showcased to the public to raise awareness.

As part of starringSMU 2016, freshmen organised various activities, including befriending the children and elderly, and helping to spruce up the non-profit organisations’ premises, benefitting about 5,000 beneficiaries from organisations, including Sunlove Home, SWAMI Home, Faith Acts, Thye Hua Kwan Senior Activity Centre @ Henderson and Kits4Kids.  The project culminated with a charity carwash at Holland Village, through which the freshmen helped to raise more than $24,500 for ‘My Buona Vista Place’, a one-stop centre for community integration and social welfare programmes reaching out to over 20,000 residents.


For more information, please contact

Teo Chang Ching (Mr)

Senior Assistant Director

Corporate Communications

DID: 6828 0451

Email: ccteo [at]