SMU study: Asian family business succession cycle takes 25 years on average

The Business Families Institute at SMU (BFI@SMU) and Deloitte jointly launched a pioneering research entitled 'Asian Business Families Succession – Going the Distance with the Next Generation'. The research survey studied the challenges faced by Asian family businesses in succession transition, including Next Generation Training and Non-Family Advisors facilitating such succession transitions. Between August and October this year, BFI@SMU conducted a comparative research survey covering family businesses in Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines and Vietnam. Some 89% of the business families surveyed indicated that Business Family Management Succession is important to them, while 81% believe that their Next Generation will be able to succeed and manage the family business. The findings also indicated that a full cycle of a management succession process would take at least 25 years. Compared to business families in the States and in Europe, family businesses in Asia are still in their infancy stages. There is also limited research data and resources available in this part of the world.  Therefore, the findings of this pioneering research will no doubt be beneficial in enhancing the quality and lifespan of family businesses in Asia.

Xinhua News Agency