How global pressures keep companies on their toes

Trading partners and influential international organisations can ratchet up the pressure on companies to be more socially responsible, says SMU…

SMU wins ASEAN Award for Energy Efficient Buildings

The School of Law building at Singapore Management University has won the Energy Efficient Buildings Award in the new and existing building category…

Singapore’s AI expert conferred prestigious IEEE Fellowship

Singapore, 18 December 2018 (Tuesday) – Associate Professor Steven Hoi from the School of Information Systems (SIS) at Singapore Management…

Spotlight on Digital Change and Economic Dynamism

SMU Professor of Organisational Behaviour and Human Resources Thomas Menkhoff shared his insights on the areas of innovation and entrepreneurship in…

The Power of Cross-Cultural Collaboration in Konstanz

Students from the SMU Master of Science in Management (MiM) programme experienced cross-cultural collaboration at its best when they participated in…

SMU students’ winning solution being developed for real world application

Imagine having to trawl hundreds or even thousands of hours of video footages for forensics. Not only is this a tedious and painstaking process, the…

Propelling Singapore’s real estate investment business to greater heights

Singapore’s real estate investment trusts (Reits) sector has grown to be the sixth largest in the world and the third largest in Asia Pacific.…

SMU China Forum 2018: “Digital Revolution and AI - Developmental Experiences of Singapore and China”

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is shaping the way decisions are made and how information flows in business and society. Today, China is one of the…

SMU expands slate of collaborations with leading partner universities in Xiamen, Hangzhou, Nanjing and Shanghai

Armed with the objective of broadening and deepening engagements with existing and new leading Chinese partner universities, SMU President, Prof…

The Journey to Empowerment

The Singapore Management University (SMU) Shirin Fozdar Programme (SFP) and the Singapore Council of Women’s Organisations (SCWO), in collaboration…