Staying commerce-ready in the digital age

Academic and industry speakers at the 2016 Conference on Next Generation Retail Operations discussed innovative solutions that may help brick-and-…

SMU students bags 2nd prize at Vis & Vis (East) moots

Two SMU teams have done the University and the country proud by bringing home the first runner-up prizes in two moot competitions - the…

SMU Institutional Review Board Briefing to SMU Community on 1 March 2016

Back to Research@SMU Issue 35 SMU Institutional Review Board - The 1st Institutional Review Board (IRB) Briefing to the SMU Community in 2016 was…

First Armenian Street Party comes to SMU

SMU helped to organise Singapore’s first Armenian Street Party on 11–12 March 2016. Our students staged several performances and SMU Labs was the…

SMU freshman team emerged national champions in inter-university Risk Intelligence Challenge 2016

In March 2016, Deloitte organised the inter-university Risk Intelligence Challenge for the fourth year running.  Taking a fresh direction, the 2016…

SMU business undergraduate wins 2nd prize in International New York Times Writing Competition

The International New York Times (INYT) recently announced the winners of the 2015 International New York Times Writing Competition.  Commendably,…

SMU team wins NUS-SGX stock-pitch competition

A team of four second-year finance students - Toh Yi An, Ian Chua, Ernest Ong and Darren Cheng - have done SMU proud by winning a national stock-…

The continuing transformation of Nigeria

Nigeria, “the giant of Africa” and 7th most populous nation in the world, was the focus of the Presidential Distinguished Lecturer Series on 21 March…

A Spotlight on Jasmine Rice

SMU Assistant Professor Jacob Ricks examines how Thailand’s bureaucratic policies and organisations affect the development of its economy.   Return…

SMU SIS and Certis CISCO collaborate on cybersecurity education and research

Singapore Management University, through its School of Information Systems (SIS), and Singapore’s leading security organization Certis CISCO, through…