Future Ready Forum 2017 – Opportunities and Threats for the Future Workforce

By the SMU Corporate Communications team
  • Third Future Ready Forum held by SMU Executive Development on 20-21 February 2017
  • NTUC Assistant Secretary-General kickstarted programme with dynamic interactive session
  • Executives customised learning to be future-ready for tomorrow’s workforce

A workforce that is more connected, mobile and educated. But a mature, more demanding, and tighter labour market that faces more disruptions. This is the future job market we have to embrace.

These were some of the insights that Mr Patrick Tay, Assistant Secretary-General, National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) shared with participants of the Third Future Ready Forum. It was held at Singapore Management University’s Mochtar Riady Auditorium on 20-21 February 2017.

He touched on broad challenges affecting the workforce at large, from the international to the local context. He also highlighted jobs and industries under threat, and those providing opportunities.  Initiatives and the necessary steps to turn threats into opportunities and be more future-ready to embrace the uncertain future, were also useful sharings that benefitted over 100 executives who attended this year’s Forum.

[Photo: Participants at the interactive dialogue session with Mr Patrick Tay, Assistant Secretary-General, NTUC.]

Mr Tay’s interactive dialogue session was the opening programme kickstarting the two days of 24 other bite-sized interactive sessions.

Designed for busy executives to personalise their learning journey with a multi-disciplinary approach, the Forum is designed like a fast-track mini university. It allows participants to customise the executive programme to address individual work challenges and skills objectives.

Participants chose from the following six business theme tracks this year:

1.     Digitalisation of Business

2.     Business Strategy

3.     Business Innovation

4.     Human Capital Development

5.     Leadership

6.     Management

[Photo: SMU Provost Professor Lily Kong said at her opening address.]

SMU Provost Professor Lily Kong said at her opening address that the Forum provides broad and in-depth practical exploration. Participants gain knowledge from SMU and its faculty, which present some of the latest insight, management strategies and research findings in the sessions.

[Photo: Dr Katharina Lange, Executive Director, SMU Executive Development at her welcome address.]

Dr Katharina Lange, Executive Director, SMU Executive Development, which organised the annual event, welcomed the participants, saying that digital revolution, demographic shifts and socio-economic changes are some of the global key drivers changing the future work landscape. As much as these global trends present opportunities for businesses, they also provide challenges to the workforce.

The two-day executive programme showcased 24 SMU faculty and experts who delivered high-impact sessions that addressed organisational and executives’ business challenges. Each of the six tracks had three to six sessions covering topics that transcend the evolving work landscape.



[Photos (clockwise from top left): SMU faculty who presented included:

  • Richard Smith, Professor of Strategic Management (Practice), Associate Dean (General Management Programmes) and Academic Director, Master of Science in Management and Master of Human Capital Leadership;
  • Shantanu Bhattacharya, Professor of Operations Management, Lee Kong Chian Fellow, and Academic Director of the Doctor of Innovation and Doctor of Business Administration Programmes;
  • Ted Tschang, Associate Professor of Strategic Management; and
  • Kapil Tuli, Associate Professor of Marketing, Director of Retail Centre of Excellence, and Research Director for LVMH-SMU Luxury Brand Initiative.]

[Photo: Executive participants at one of the 24 sessions.]

[Photo: A participant joining in the dialogue during the opening interactive session.]

[Photo: (Centre) Mr Patrick Tay, Assistant Secretary-General, NTUC, and Prof Lily Kong, Provost, SMU, flanked on the right by Prof Francis Koh, Vice Provost (Special Projects), and on the left by Dr Katharina Lange, Executive Director, SMU Executive Development.]

[Featured Photo: Mr Patrick Tay, Assistant Secretary-General, NTUC at the interactive dialogue session.]