SMU School of Social Sciences Psychology Students take top spot in the Singapore Psychological Society Student Research Awards for three years in a row
Singapore Management University School of Social Sciences (SOSS) undergraduates have once again made their mark at the Singapore Psychological…
95.1 per cent of SMU’s 2022 fresh graduates found jobs within six months of their final examinations
95.1 per cent of fresh graduates from Singapore Management University’s (SMU) found a job within six months of completion of their final examinations…
Higher education's role in building a sustainable and resilient future
Singapore is one of Asia’s great success stories, transforming itself from a developing country to a modern, industrial economy in one generation.…
Does Frequent Smartphone Use Lead to Daily Cognitive Failures?
Singapore, 10 March 2023 (Friday) – A new study by the Singapore Management University finds that more frequent smartphone checking behaviour is…
Study by SMU researchers reveals positive relationship between people’s psychological well-being and their willingness to consume cultivated meat; and the factors that can motivate this willingness
Singapore, 8 March 2023 (Wednesday) – Researchers from Singapore Management University (SMU) have released a study that reveals a positive…
SMU Launches New Summer Programme on Sustainability
Singapore Management University (SMU), through its Centre for Global Education and Opportunities (GEO), has introduced a new summer programme titled…
Publicis Groupe and SMU launch programme to teach students how to create with A.I.
Singapore, 6 March 2023 (Monday) – Publicis Groupe has teamed up with Singapore Management University (SMU) to help students create engaging,…
Singapore Management University School of Accountancy ranked first in the world in citation rankings for the third year running by BYU Accounting Research Rankings (2022)
SMU School of Accountancy has scored in these categories: 1st in the world for Citation Rankings 1st in the world for Archival Research (All…
Living With The Virus - Singapore's Endemic Strategy Report Card
“Singapore cannot stay locked down and closed off indefinitely. It would not work, and it would be very costly.”, said Singapore Prime Minister Lee…