NCPG targets youths through education on prevention

To move from just general education to preventive work with youths, the National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG) plans to train some 30 to 40…

Warwick dean heads for Singapore

Professor Howard Thomas will leave his current post as dean of the Warwick Business School in the United Kingdom after nearly ten years at the helm,…

Trying to stand out, yet fit in

Recent SMU business management graduate Zack Ho shares his India internship experience as a journalist with Chennai newspaper The Hindu from April to…

Social cohesion speech timely as complacency may have set in

Assistant Professor of Law Eugene Tan says that with the makeup of the Singapore society changing as more new immigrants arrive, it will be useful to…

What do you see? Health care, race, religion on PM's agenda

SMU Assistant Professor of Law Eugene Tan said the fact that racial and religious harmony needed to be brought up indicated that Singaporeans have…

'Rape within marriage is still assault'

The trio behind the No To Rape campaign partnered the SMU Law Society in organising a seminar exploring the criminalisation of marital rape. Aware…

SMU welcomes 10th and record intake of students for Academic Year 2009

[15 August 2009] SMU welcomes 10th and record intake of students for Academic Year 2009 Singapore, 15 August 2009 – Singapore Management University…

SMU couple donate $50k to set up grant

School of Accountancy associate dean Themin Suwardy and his wife Febrita, a manager at the Office of Advancement and Alumni, have donated $50,000 to…

Why they are young and passionate

SMU alumnus Chiraag Bhadana, an information systems and finance major, and hedge fund analyst Vivek Jamwal, started the Micro finance (Singapore)…

Politics to take a back seat?

SMU Assistant Professor of Law Eugene Tan surmises that political renewal and an assertion of how Singapore's system of governance works unfettered…