BT-Citibank Undergraduate Investment Forum 2009

The theme of ?Insights to Financial Instruments' will occupy discussions at this full-day event organised by the Association of Varsities' Investment…

Best eats around campus

City In Our Dining Room, a 155-page guide compiled by student members of the Singapore Management University Gourmet Club, was launched last…

Less worry for diabetics if endoscopic sleeve invention succeeds

SMU is among the 16 recipients for the National Research Foundation's Proof of Concept Grant.

$4m in grants to get 16 research projects going

16 universities and polytechnics will snag a total of $4 million in grants from the National Research Foundation. A first-time winner of the grant…

150 cyclists welcome ?Green Week?

More than 150 cyclists converge on the SMU Campus Green on Saturday evening as part of the Green Transport Week. From 7-10pm, the Campus hosted a…

16 research teams to get NRF grants

SMU is one of the institutes of higher learning with projects that were awarded proof-of-concept grants by the National Research Foundation.

New campaign aims to change Singaporeans' transport habits

On Saturday, 100 cyclists travelled from the east and west coast parks to the Singapore Management University city campus for the launch of the Green…

Keeping hope alive in a slum

SMU graduate Shivya Nath writes of her experience building homes for slum dwellers with fellow SMU students in the outskirts of Bangalore. School of…

Singapore: A model of judgment for the United States?

The SMU, a private university established by the government, started the Institute of Service Excellence to stimulate the development of a Singapore…

Rally reaction

President Howard Hunter shares his thoughts on the Prime Minister's speech. He thought that the most interesting portions of the speech were those…