Liveability standards need to take in residents’ social & emotional needs, say experts

At a Behavioural Sciences Institute (BSI) conference on liveability held on Monday, SMU BSI Director Professor David Chan noted that research,…

Constitutionally Lawless: Ordinance Raj in India

In a commentary, SMU Assistant Professor of Law Shubhankar Dam, author of Presidential Legislation in India: The Law and Practice of Ordinances,…

SMU team wins Asia Pacific Facebook Hackathon!

Four students from the School of Information Systems did SMU proud by winning the Asia Pacific Facebook Hackathon held in Singapore over the weekend…

SMU students to represent Asia in Facebook 'hackathon'

Four SMU students will fly to Facebook's headquarters in Silicon Valley, California in November to represent Asia in an international "hackathon".…

Public intellectuals can lead debate on concepts of honour and virtue

In a forum letter, Jerome Yang Zhelun noted that SMU holds regular lunch talks by speakers who share their ups and downs, and the lessons they learnt…

The Social Experiment (Episode 2)

SMU Behavioural Sciences Institute Director Professor David Chan explained the design, results and implications of a scientific experiment on…

SMU pips NUS at moot court contest

For the second year running, SMU pipped NUS to the honour of representing Singapore at the world's largest moot court contest. On February 22, a team…

IT is hot

In a commentary, Senior Associate Director of the SMU Office of Postgraduate Professional Programmes, S.N. Venkat wrote that with increased mobile…

Since you are already seeing ads, Sqkii wants to pay you hard cold cash for it

SMU Information System Management undergraduate Eleazar Lim is one of the founders of Sqkii, a mobile web application that rewards users with cash…

Since you are already seeing ads, Sqkii wants to pay you hard cold cash for it

SMU Information System Management undergraduate Eleazar Lim is one of the founders of Sqkii, a mobile web application that rewards users with cash…