SMU student Chuah Sun Soon takes on the world in half a year
After completing his internship in India, 25-year-old SMU student Chuah Sun Soon makes a journey on motorbike from India to Russia for his exchange…
Altered states
Singapore's first eco-store, CHOOSE, which opened in Chinatown last September and stocks environmentally friendly products and promotes green…
Singapore: Asia's most liveable city?
Assistant Professor Chung Wai Keung says there is no objective way to measure what makes for a liveable city, likening such surveys to university…
Malaysia Muslim party reaches out
A "PAS is trying to show non-Muslims that they can engage with them, and they are being quite bold in this," says Associate Professor Bridget Welsh…
Singapore eyes Islamic finance
Excerpts of an interview with Minister of Trade and Industry Lim Hng Kiang on Singapore's desire to offer Islamic finance as a natural extension to…
Singaporeans less keen to date a different race?
Assistant Professor Hoon Chang Yau commented that the various conflicting studies on mixed races marriages may not be an accurate reflection of…
Net worth
Many popular local blogshops are raking in millions. Her Velvet Vase didn't know how popular they were until the first flea market they had at SMU in…
Ex-WP candidates starting new party
Commenting on the new move, political observer and SMU Assistant Professor of Law Eugene Tan said opposition unity could be threatened because, with…
Award-winning provost
Award-winning provost, Professor Rajendra K Srivastava, Singapore Management University, will speak about innovation and firm performance at the…
Sands' $5.5 bln bet on Singapore looks to be paying off
After decades of being one of the most stable and safe nations in Asia, some citizens still query the need to open casinos. ?There will certainly be…