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Road closure in vicinity of Night Festival

The Night Festival to be held this weekend (July 16 & 17) will result in some road closures and public buses not running in certain routes along…

Life is tough at 24 with Us and Them

The 20s is the ?generation of angst? as political observer [Singapore Management University assistant professor of law] Eugene Tan puts it. Rachel…

Graffiti under the stars

The Propeller Group from Vietnam will be presenting graffiti murals on vans at the SMU campus green as part of the Night Festival 2010.

YUP, teens can take part in PAP activities

The People's Action Party's Youth Wing has started a programme for teenagers ? Youths United in Passion ? to involve them in community projects.…

Six teams from Singapore, Hong Kong, USA and Canada bid for top prize at the 5th Lee Kuan Yew Global Business Plan Competition

[5 July 2010] Six teams from Singapore, Hong Kong, USA and Canada bid for top prize at the 5th Lee Kuan Yew Global Business Plan Competition The…

$30b Singapore-China swap

The People's Bank of China (PBC) and the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) have established a bilateral currency swap arrangement. Visiting…

Late delivery? Here's a freebie

From fast-food chains to local banks ? their promise is quick service and a freebie or some other gesture if they are late. Dr Srinivas Reddy, a…

Ad oomph for govt compaigns

The Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports' latest soft sell approach to promoting family values through TV ads have been creating much…

Head for investing, heart for the esoteric

Part-time stock trader Jason Wee is a certified hypnotherapist and fengshui practitioner. When he is not trading, he shares his finance knowledge…

Youngsters bond with mentally ill

The ?Mental Health Advocate? project helps to empower young people to help them change societal attitudes towards mental health issues and combat…