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Not surprising for PM to include education in rally

As laid out in the Economic Strategies Committee (ESC) report, higher education is set to become a useful catalyst in Singapore's economic and social…

Do not just produce 'assembly line' students

The Education Ministry recently announced a slew of new initiatives including hiring 10 per cent more teachers, setting up the specialised N Tech…

Malaysia tackles national woes with ad campaign

Malaysia's reputation as a moderate, progressive Muslim nation has been sullied by a string of embarrassing news stories and the government, in hope…

Debate on China's third wave of brain drain

Assistant Professor Forrest Zhang from the School of Social Sciences contributed a commentary discussing factors and motivations underlying the…

Comment and Analysis - Will the IP system result in a better breed of future students?

Assistant Professor Eugene Tan feels that whether they are IP or non IP students, the attitude towards the pursuit of knowledge remains much the same…

Mr Yong Pung How appointed as the Chancellor of SMU

Currently Chairman of the Advisory Board of the School of Law, Mr Yong takes over from Dr Richard Hu who has served as Chancellor for eight years.…

Wiki Project brings some student wariness at Singapore Management U.

Dozens of freshmen at SMU spent last Wednesday evening learning how to wiki - to use software that lets multiple people write and edit class projects…

Former CJ appointed chancellor of SMU

Former chief justice Yong Pung How has been appointed Chancellor of SMU, taking over from former Finance Minister Dr Richard Hu, who has been…

SIA, Changi Airport put up sterling performances

The airline rose by 3.6 points, improving its score on the CSISG, released by ISES, for four consecutive years. Meanwhile, Changi Airport's stellar…

Singapore population reaches 5.8 million

Assistant Professor Eugene Tan, a political observer, pointed out that the sharp rise in the number of Permanent Residents between 2005 and 2009…