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No tuition but he beats the world to be top in English

Ho Ren Chun, 17, son of Mr Ho Kwon Ping [chairman of the board of trustees of SMU] and Ms Claire Chiang, beat students from 127 countries to emerge…

Common Asian currency: China leads drive

The idea of a regional monetary unit in Asia and China's role in it is discussed in this article. Dr Chow Hwee Kwan, associate dean of the School of…

With a new cabinet and a number of ministers stepping down, how will the “new look” Parliament look like?

Asst Prof Eugene Tan says that even as MM Lee and SM Goh have stepped down from Cabinet, they will still be seated in fairly prominent places in…

Gerard Ee: Ministers as well as President's salaries to be reviewed

Assistant Professor Eugene Tan thinks that the move to review ministerial salaries is a strong signal from PM Lee that there are no sacred cows that…

Shorts, flip-flops, and off to school

Debate returns on tertiary students' casual wear. While some institutions are enforcing dress-codes, SMU does not. In treating students as “…

Efficiency should not be compromised

Asst Prof Eugene Tan says that Singapore has distinguished itself by its efficiently run government, which is able to make the best use of the…

Get the Inside Story about cancer

Law student Mr Sharavana Rama acted in a play to raise awareness of colon cancer at Tan Tock Seng Hospital's theatrette on 21 May. Law student Mr…

Minister Mentor steps down but not out

Asst Prof Eugene Tan said that ever since the elections on May 7, politics will never be the same again. The voting patterns indicated a strong…

Tan Chuan Jin welcomes discussion on all topics, including Ministers' pay

Asst Prof Eugene Tan says that a reduction in Ministers' pay may affect the quality of candidates entering politics. Those in the private sector, in…

OCBC launches “FRANK by OCBC”, the first-of-its-kind banking programme catered for the youth and young working adults segment

Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation has launched FRANK by OCBC, a new banking programme for the youths and young working adults. The existing OCBC…