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The ?Singaporean first' myth

An ST reader shares his thoughts on Tony Tan's speech at a recent lecture on higher education, held at Singapore Management University.

The hard science of branding

To successfully build a brand identity, companies must look at three main factors: brand character, brand purpose and brand values. Prof Jan-Benedict…

Greek Debt Crisis

Professor Annie Koh, Academic Director, International Trading Institute, warns that if Greece is allowed to default on its debt payment, other…

Closing the service excellence gap

Minister of State Lee Yi Shyan says that Singapore needs to ?run fast to catch up' with key rival markets in terms of service sector productivity. He…

The futures of higher education

Former deputy prime minister Tony Tan delivered a speech on higher education at the Singapore Management University yesterday, sharing his thoughts…

Unilever COO chooses to be based in S'pore

Unilever plans to work with local institutions such as Insead, the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy and Singapore Management University, as well…

'Time for Singapore to chart own higher education path'

Speaking at a lecture organised by the Sim Kee Boon Institute at SMU yesterday, Presidential hopeful Dr Tony Tan said that as higher education here…

Tony Tan: Singaporeans First but foreign talent necessary too

Dr Tony Tan, speaking at the Sim Kee Boon Institute for Financial Economics Public Lecture Series, pointed out the dangers of a Singaporeans Only…

Singaporeans first, not Singaporeans only

Speaking at an SMU lecture yesterday, Presidential hopeful Dr Tony Tan clarified that whilst he favours a ?Singaporeans first' policy in higher…

Giving S'poreans priority in higher education

Singaporeans should have the first priority when it comes to gaining admission to higher education institutions here, but this should not mean…