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American professor: Singapore can avoid asset bubble by imposing 10% additional stamp duty on foreigners

Dr Susan Wachter, Professor of Real Estate and Finance at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania reckoned that the higher stamp duty…

NUS to teach students ways to clinch that job

A career-preparation programme – mandatory for students at SMU (from 2001) and NTU (from 2006), will now be rolled out at the NUS to help…

S'pore is crazy for apps

Singapore is the fifth most app-crazed market in the world, after South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the US. Globally, Android app downloads hit the…

NUS to arrange employment preparation workshops for graduating students

A survey conducted by NUS revealed that 70% of employers were of the view that its graduates lack the skills required for job-seeking. One employer…

The business community's views

In the BT centre spread contributed by the Institute of Service Excellence at SMU, government officials, businessmen (including [SMU Chairman] Ho…

Cultivating service excellence

In the BT centre spread contributed by the Institute of Service Excellence at SMU, government officials, businessmen (including [SMU Chairman] Ho…

The art of building good customer relationships

In the BT centre spread contributed by the Institute of Service Excellence at SMU, government officials, businessmen (including [SMU Chairman] Ho…

Morgan Stanley Ordered to Halt Singapore Suit

Assistant Professor Eugene Tan said Morgan Stanley has a sense they would fare better in Singapore and he does not think investors are going to have…

Service is in Changi Airport's DNA

In the BT centre spread contributed by the Institute of Service Excellence at SMU, government officials, businessmen (including [SMU Chairman] Ho…

Get your queries addressed by SMU

Have a pressing question about a business related issue that your company is facing? Starting from January, BT will be working with professors from…