Association of Banks want its members to enhance security of ATM cards, disallow overseas usage of ATM cards before mid-year
The Association of Banks in Singapore announced that its member banks will step up measures to enhance the security of ATM cards and other payment…
Association of Banks announce security measures, Speed of transactions may be reduced
The Association of Banks in Singapore announced that its member banks will step up measures to enhance the security of ATM cards and other payment…
Chen Show Mao to be heir apparent to Low Thia Khiang?
Commenting on Chen's prominent showing at the recent Parliamentary debate on the ministerial pay review, SMU Assistant Professor of Law Eugene Tan…
Sparking a new age of reporting renaissance
Associate Professor Themin Suwardy writes about the role and responsibilities of accounting professionals in the move towards ?integrated reporting…
Private banking to grow in Asia
Dr Bernard Lee, CEO of HedgeSPA and research fellow at SMU's International Trading Institute, said that wealth managers would be very interested in…
Stepped up security at self-service payment kiosks
After the scam at DBS ATMs, banks and other units managing the self-service payment kiosks like SAM, AXS are all stepping up their security.…
What issues will dominate World Economic Forum?
The eurozone debt crisis is expected to dominate discussions when government leaders and businessmen meet at the World Economic Forum in Davos,…
DPM Teo pleased with agreement
SMU Assistant Professor of Law Eugene Tan was of the view that there was not enough emphasis on the value of public service in the parliamentary…
Parliament reaches consensus on pay of political appointment holders
SMU Assistant Professor of Law Eugene Tan said that having more MPs from the opposition parties speak in Parliament would be good for MPs from the…
Limited information about payscale
During the parliamentary debate, WP member Mr Gerald Giam often referred to the MX9 salary scale, the starting grade for senior civil servants.…