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Singapore artists and SMU students present original ideas and probing works at the SMU Arts Festival 2008

[15 January 2008] Singapore artists and SMU students present original ideas and probing works at the SMU Arts Festival 2008 Singapore, 15 January…

Indian PM's visit to China

Assistant Professor Rahul Sagar shared his views on Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's visit to China.  

When theory comes in handy

Rather than talk about the risk of failure, SMU Associate Professor Tan Wee Liang felt students should look at ways to increase their probability of…

Annuities: making nest eggs last

SMU Associate Professor Benedict Koh says that while the drawdown for annuities is available only after age 82, most Singaporeans worry more about…

Rants and raving mad e-mail

Assistant Professor Eugene Tan says people send political messages in mass e-mail because they feel that this would achieve the desired effect for…

'Senior Counsel must put in ample court time'

Associate Professor Chandra Mohan and Assistant Professor Eugene Tan agreed that Senior Counsels could set a powerful example to young lawyers if…

Getting a taste of success from Israel's R&D labs

Steven Miller, Dean of SMU's School of Information Systems, comments on collaboration projects between universities and research institutes,…

Family Business

Dr Sanjay Goel said that family businesses are more committed to values, invest more in their employees and are there for the long haul.

Singapore Management University hosts the first international creativity conference in Asia

[8 January 2008] Singapore Management University hosts the first international creativity conference in Asia Singapore, 8 January 2008 – The…

Khaw Boon Wan: means testing will have to be fair

Asst Prof of Law Eugene Tan pointed out that it is tough to implement a fair system of distribution for middle income earners with wide ranging wage…