Temasek Foundation funds SMU LEaRN student exchange programme
The Temasek Foundation on Friday gave S$430,000 to SMU, to fund the new Temasek Foundation-SMU Leadership Enrichment and Regional Networking…
SMU Arts Festival 2008
Catch a concert featuring music by composer Joyce Koh at SMU's U-Square this evening at 6:30 pm. [This is the opening gala of non|sense ? SMU Arts…
SMU Arts Festival 2008 - non|sense
The funky festival, a true blue celebration of the arts is on until Feb 29 at various sites throughout SMU.
SMU Arts Festival 2008 - Gala performance
Catch a concert featuring music by composer Joyce Koh at SMU's U-Square this evening at 6:30 pm.
SMU Arts Festival 2008 - non|sense
The SMU Arts Festival 2008 opens on 18 January with non|sense Overture by Dr Joyce Koh. Other events include LOL With Hossan Leong and Always Here…
On Taiwan's Legislative Election
SMU Assistant Professor of Sociology Dr Chung Wai Keong comments on the significance of Kuomintang party winning Taiwan's Legislative Elections and…
Join a management talk
SMU's CEO Talks session at the Ngee Ann Kongsi Auditorium at the School of Accountancy/School of Law this evening will have SMU Chairman Ho Kwon Ping…
Singapore Management University selects Innovative for complete Digital Library solution
Emeryville, CA-Singapore Management University (SMU) in the nation and city of Singapore has selected the Millennium ILS and the Encore discovery…
Family businesses
Dr Sanjay Goel said that one's family culture can be used as an advantage in business strategy.
non|sense - SMU Arts Festival 2008
The SMU Arts Festival, starts from Friday until 1 Feb, with a series of performances to excite audiences through colour, sound and movement. LOL with…