Arriving soon at Changi: T4

Less than two months after Changi Airport welcomed T3 to its fold, plans to build a new terminal, T4, are already in the works. Singapore Management…

SMU Open House 2008

If you are planning to pursue your tertiary education, visit the SMU Open House, 8 & 9 March, 10am-6pm at SMU Administration Building.

MR500 Dragon Boat Race

Catch over 120 teams battling out for top spots at Lower Seletar Reservoir on 8 & 9 March. [Co-organised by SMU Dragon Boat Team and SAVA] .

SMU students to raise cancer awareness with photo show

SMU undergraduates will stage a photography exhibition on photos taken by breast cancer patients as part of their Leadership and Team Building course.

Needy students assured of help to cope with rising fees

As tuition fees go up by between 4 per cent and 20 per cent for undergraduates entering NUS, NTU and SMU in August, Minister of State (Education) Lui…

Engineering with design the focus of fourth varsity

SMU's current annual enrolment of 1,500, will rise to 2,000 by 2015, and a small liberal arts college affiliated to the university will be set up in…

Learning for the real world

A spokesman for the Singapore Management University said it is considering introducing a special liberal arts programme.

Liberal arts college likely to be affiliated with local varsity

SMU is well-placed to offer an undergraduate liberal arts programme. It has in place many elements that are archetypal of a liberal arts education,…

4th varsity may offer courses in high-growth industries

The Singapore Management University is also studying ways to offer a liberal arts education to its students as it expands its disciplinary coverage.

Committee proposes liberal arts college

Professor Howard Hunter says SMU is considering a virtual liberal arts college where undergraduates do a broad based education in the first two years…