Trilympics participants attempt to go around world in 24 hours

Two hundred students from SMU and Jurong Junior College attempted to cover 40,000 kilometres, the circumference of the globe, in 24 hours by…

Don't force, let kids pursue their interests, parents urged

At an Asia-Pacific conference on giftedness, Dr Goh Ban Eng, who lectures at SMU, said habits such as making kids read textbooks ahead of the school…

Night party at museum

Renowned Italian performing arts group Studi Festi held a sneak preview of its show The Dancing Sky at the National Museum of Singapore, Stamford…

Their spirit lives on ? as promoters of education

Some students at the Lee Kong Chian School of Business at SMU are still hazy about the man whom their school is named after.

Law and politics: Should Law Society speak up only when asked?

SMU Assistant Professor of Law Eugene Tan argues that relations between the Law Society and the Government have improved, but Section 38(1)(c) of the…

Do you think SGX is getting too relaxed?

Associate Professor Annie Koh commented that some pockets of our investing public may be ready with increased risk appetite to follow the…

He 'ran' 20km for charity? in wheelchair

SMU undergraduate Ephraim Lin is part of the organising committee of ?Around the World in 24 hours? which aims to get thousands of volunteers to…

ACE lauded for encouraging entrepreneurship among youths

SMU team ? comprising members Daniel Yu and Deborah Ng ? emerged champions at the Action Community for Entrepreneurship (ACE)'s second Enterprise Day…

Back to the future or the past?

Commentator Richard Hartung noted that SMU already offers pioneering programmes in business and technology.

Can we tweak the formula?

The Institute of Service Excellence at  SMU wishes to propose that customer satisfaction be also taken into consideration when the  Public Transport…