New app can direct cabbies to areas of high demand

The Fujitsu-SMU Urban Computing and Engineering Corporate Lab – a collaboration between SMU, Japanese technology firm Fujitsu and A*Star – is co-…

Gaming passion sets graduate on IT career path

Mr Alex Ng graduated from SMU last year, and the course he read – information systems – is among those whose graduates saw the biggest starting pay…

Starting pay for fresh uni grads hits new high

According to the annual Joint Graduate Employment Survey released on Monday, 93.3 per cent of SMU graduates were employed in full-time, part-time,…

More graduates choosing freelance and part time work last yea

According to the annual Joint Graduate Employment Survey released on Monday, 93.3 per cent of SMU graduates were employed in full-time, part-time,…

New record high salary for SMU graduates at $3910

According to the annual Joint Graduate Employment Survey released on Monday, 93.3 per cent of SMU graduates were employed in full-time, part-time,…

An education for the future

SMU Dean of Postgraduate Professional Programmes Associate Professor Themin Suwardy said: “Beyond mastery of knowledge, today’s working professional…

To meet demands from the industry, SMU launches new courses in Data Analytics

SMU School of Accountancy (SoA) has announced a whole suite of data analytics programmes in order to address industry needs. These include a second…

Professor who brought advanced technology into secondary schools recognised for efforts in promoting environmental awareness

SMU GROW, SMU’s sustainability movement under the Office of the President, clinched the Distinguished Award under the inaugural “Cities of Love…

SMU students work with industry partners on their final-year projects

SMU School of Information Systems’ Associate Professor Benjamin Gan said that the final-year projects aim to let students work on real issues to…

Braving family crisis and emerging stronger

SMU student Angel Ng braved a family crisis and worked hard to finance her own education –graduating second in her cohort of 167 students for her…