SMU Yong Pung How School of Law receives $20m donation from the Yong family to set up 3 new programmes that promote legal study and research
The family of the late former chief justice (CJ) Yong Pung How has donated $20 million to the SMU law school to set up financial aid and fellowship…
Family of late CJ Yong Pung How gives $20m to SMU’s law school
The family of the late former chief justice (CJ) Yong Pung How has donated $20 million to the SMU law school to set up financial aid and fellowship…
Commentary: The politics of inflation in 2023 and what it could mean for Singapore
In a commentary, SMU Associate Professor of Law Eugene Tan discussed the politics of inflation in 2023 and shared his analysis of what it could mean…
2023 may be no different from 2022, but Singaporeans can be hopeful and bold
In a commentary, SMU Associate Professor of Law Eugene Tan noted the pandemic-induced economic challenges stoked by geopolitical tensions and…
The metaverse – bridging the chasm between promise and reality
In a commentary, SMU Professor of Communication and Technology and Vice President (Partnerships and Engagement) Lim Sun Sun explored how the…