SMU Unveils ‘Partnership Concierge’ for Streamlined Collaboration Experience

Singapore Management University (SMU) proudly announces the launch of the SMU Partnership Concierge, a key platform for the university's strategic push to forge meaningful collaborations with universities, businesses, governments, and society. This initiative affirms SMU's commitment to delivering real-world impact and the vital role of partnerships in the future of education.

Designed to provide a comprehensive overview of partnership opportunities across the university, the SMU Partnership Concierge streamlines and tailors the discovery experience for organisations interested to engage with the university's wealth of resources, talent, and expertise.

“Collaborative ventures between SMU and industry partners have contributed to many mutual benefits and successes,” says Ms. Catherine Chong, Director of the Office of Industry Engagement.

In November 2023, a joint project between SMU School of Computing and Information Systems (SCIS) and IBM Manufacturing utilized AI-based supply chain optimization models, resulting in significant cost savings of $35 million and earning IBM Manufacturing an award for innovation and efficiency.

Another strategic partnership with Singapore-based SME uParcel has also yielded impressive results. The implementation of the patented Collaborative Urban Delivery Optimisation (CUDO) technology led to a 20 percent improvement in delivery efficiency and saved 500 hours in delivery time, showcasing the potential of SMU's technological solutions in transforming industry operations.

Professor Lim Sun Sun, Vice President of Partnerships & Engagement, further notes the value of deepening academic collaborations with fellow universities. Speaking about the strategic partnership between SMU and Chulalongkorn University which was affirmed at the launch of the SMU Overseas Centre Bangkok in October 2023, Professor Lim shared, “With leading universities such as Chula as our knowledge partner, SMU together with our partners are more effectively poised to leverage collaborations in education, research, innovation and entrepreneurship that address challenges faced by countries in the region.” 

For organisations that share a vision for impactful collaboration, the SMU Partnership Concierge provides a gateway to a world of opportunity. We encourage you to reach out and discover how together, we can make a lasting difference.

Visit the SMU Partnership Concierge at