Diagnosed with lymphoma after delivery, she actively performed kind acts, and received her Masters today

SMU postgraduate graduand Ophelia Tan shared how she discovered she was lacking in financial savviness after being diagnosed with lymphoma, shortly after giving birth to her second child. When she was recovering in 2019, the 44-year-old financial consultant enrolled in the SMU Masters in Wealth Management programme. SMU graduand Goh Jin Qiang shared about his struggles with online gaming which affected his studies and how he overcame his challenges. He explained how he was given support along the way. Having graduated with a Bachelor of Science (Information Systems), he hopes to give back to society by leveraging on technolgy to provide a safe home environment for the elderly who are living alone. SMU held its physical graduation ceremonies for its 2020 batch of graduates. Due to the pandemic, the ceremony, which was scheduled for July, was delayed until now. The event was graced by Minister for Defence Ng Eng Hen.

Lianhe Zaobao