SMU’s business school re-accredited by EQUIS for five years, re-affirming its excellent quality in management systems internationally

By the SMU Corporate Communications team

Singapore, 5 August 2021 (Thursday) – The Singapore Management University (SMU)’s Lee Kong Chian School of Business (LKCSB) has been successfully re-accredited by the EFMD Quality Improvement System (EQUIS) for five years, a seal of excellence which differentiates the school among its peers internationally.

With members across 90 countries, EFMD is a non-profit organisation globally recognised as an accreditation body for business schools, business school programmes, and corporate universities. It administers EQUIS, the leading international system of quality assessment, improvement and accreditation of business schools. The EQUIS accreditation benchmarks schools against international standards in ten areas - governance, programmes, students, faculty, research, internationalisation, ethics, responsibility and sustainability, as well as engagement with the world of practice.

The accreditation process involves submission of evidence of having met standards in the various areas within the framework. Schools are assessed by an experienced peer review team composed of international members holding senior positions in management education.  Following the review, schools are awarded either a three-year or five-year EQUIS accreditation by an independent accreditation board, depending on the strength of their systems.

Mr Alfons Sauquet, EFMD Quality Services & EQUIS Director congratulated all reaccredited schools,  “Congratulations to all institutions, whose adaptability and agility enabled them to pursue their strategic quality objectives in admittedly challenging societal times caused by the ongoing pandemic. We hope the EQUIS accreditation will positively impact the schools’ development for continuous pursuit of excellence in the future.” 

Lee Kong Chian Professor of Finance and Interim Dean at LKCSB, Melvyn Teo, said “We believe that our strong standing as a business school can be attributed to a robust core curriculum, global appeal of our programmes which facilitate exchanges with quality international partners, outstanding faculty development activities, international diversity of faculty, and the excellent research progress we are making towards achieving greater societal and management impact. We would like to thank everyone involved in this re-accreditation exercise, for their contribution in showcasing the vigour of SMU’s management systems.”