Vast horizons for the Singaporean population

In a commentary, SMU Associate Professor of Law Eugene Tan discussed the challenges facing Singaporeans from prolonged low fertility rates. Associate Prof Tan shared how the total fertility rate (TFR) is closely linked to a country’s success and is also a decisive factor on the passing down of our culture. He also highlighted the many factors leading to our low TFR and how our generations are increasingly becoming vocal about their demands amidst an aging population. Noting that Singapore’s labour force is expected to shrink in 2020, Associate Prof Tan expects another set of issues linked to the increased number of migrant workers, resulting in even more challenges for the Government.

Associate Prof Tan concluded that what seemed to be an insignificant personal choice of marriage and family planning can have a large impact on our policies, influencing its flexibility on an ever changing society. Therefore, Singapore needs to tackle these challenges and embrace the opportunities.