Over 50% of SMU law students volunteer at its pro bono centre

More than half of SMU’s law students volunteer at the pro bono centre located within the new School of Law building. The centre has seen more than 500 cases since 2013 and relied on students to help run it. According to SMU Associate Professor of Law Rathna N. Koman, the centre’s director, students performed an average of 37 hours of pro bono work each, based on statistics of its 2013 graduating batch. This is a 60 per cent increase from 2009. Currently, 554 students take turns to man the centre’s hotline and helpdesk services from 8.30am to 6pm, Mondays to Fridays, and perform administrative tasks to aid lawyers at SMU’s free legal clinics, held every Friday evening. RHT Rajan Menon Foundation recently signed a commitment of $300,000 to the SMU Pro Bono, to be delivered over 5 years.