Study: Elderly women have weaker knowledge of financial management than their male counterparts

SMU Centre for Research on the Economics & Ageing released a study that revealed that elderly women have a weaker knowledge of financial management than their male counterparts. The results of the study were shared yesterday at a forum jointly organised by the University and Republic Polytechnic. There were 4400 women and 3900 men between the ages of 50 and 70 years who participated in the study. The ongoing study, which started in July 2015, focused primarily on getting participants to respond in the areas of financial management, income, work and health.

SMU Senior Research Associate Stephen Hoskins revealed that the key reasons could be due to the higher education that males receive and the fact that they are usually the family’s main breadwinner. SMU Associate Director (Programmes) Ju Jiaming also shared the latest employment statistics for elderly women at the forum.