Values inspire foreign-policy revolution across borders

SMU Adjunct Professor Joergen Oerstroem Moeller reflected in a commentary about how the world is moving into the era of value-driven societies replacing an era of economics, the industrial age and materialism, resulting in a seminal shift in culture, attitude and behaviour. He said, “Regardless of the age we live in, power games determine winners and losers and the distribution of benefits and burdens. Until now, power broadly speaking had three parameters: military, economic tools and persuasion. Values and the principles by which we live can override each of these parameters – the ability to shape perceptions by capturing the curiosity and trust of citizens, defining what is right or wrong, permissible or not, and ultimately drawing lines for what can or cannot be achieved. Leaders occupy what once was called the moral high ground, but now define the terrain instead of adapting to established norms.” He concluded that “Irrespective of nationality, people reach across borders, united by common values, to defy policy positions adopted by their own governments.