SMU launching self-development programme

The new self-development programme called Pathfinders will encourage SMU students to reflect on skills and learning points they have acquired over the course of their undergraduate programme through non-academic activities, such as community service or internships. It will also help them develop their emotional intelligence and better understand their intrinsic motivations and interests. It was made possible by a $5 million donation to SMU from Mr Kuok Khoon Ean, a member of its first board of trustees. He is the chairman of investment holding company Kuok (Singapore). The donation will also be used to launch the SMU International Scholarship. It is open to students from South Asia and South-east Asia, and two undergraduates will be awarded the scholarship each year. Dean of Students and Professor of Sociology (Practice) Paulin Tay Straughan said a pilot of the Pathfinders programme will start running with about 200 students when the new semester begins this month, and will aim to reach 600 students next year. SMU's School of Information Systems has also introduced a revised curriculum that is more flexible and has more diverse offerings to meet the demands of the future economy. Students will be able to choose to specialise in six different tracks, including new areas of growth like artificial intelligence, compared with just three or four tracks previously. A new interdisciplinary major in Smart City Management and Technology will also start running this year, with 46 students enrolled in the first cohort