SMU producing entrepreneurial leaders for knowledge-based economy

SMU launched its International Advisory Council in Myanmar on July 6 to establish, strengthen and deepen SMU’s collaboration and engagement with the government, academic and business communities in the country. According to SMU records, students from Myanmar take up courses across the six schools at SMU, with a majority of them studying at the School of Information Systems and Lee Kong Chian School of Business. SMU offers a range of special scholarships for ASEAN and Myanmar students seeking places “in one of the best regional universities”. U Naing Ye Lin, a graduate from SMU Lee Kong Chian School of Business in 2013 and currently the president of SMU Alumni Chapter in Myanmar, said, “SMU has a unique pedagogy that focuses on self-directed learning and keen participation through discussions and presentations in class. Besides providing a rigorous curriculum essential for professional and personal development, SMU also equips its students with tools for continuous life-long learning. “Some of my best experiences and memories from my SMU days were the friendships forged with fellow students, the international exposure that I gained through interactions with many exchange students who visited the SMU campus each semester, and the internship opportunities and learning journeys to many destinations around the world.”