Finding a new job - in a new industry

Mr Steven Tay, a candidate of the Professional Conversion Programme (PCP) for careers in international trade developed by SMU’s International Trading Institute, was featured in a new series by the Ministry of Manpower. After several roadbumps in his job search since 2014, Mr Tay joined the PCP for careers in international trade last October under what is called the Place-and-Train route, where professionals, managers, executives and technicians (PMETs) are hired by a participating employer. He finally found a job early this year with electricity retailer Environmental Solutions (Asia) as a business development manager.


Mr Tay recounted that after a few interviews while he was studying at SMU’s International Trading Institute, he met Mr Quek Leng Chuang, Environmental Solutions (Asia) co-founder. Excited about what the firm had to offer, made sure he took the initiative to e-mail Mr Quek after the interview. "Sometimes you just have to help yourself, and I'd like to believe my initiative in personally writing to him helped. SMU also did a good job of helping us,” he said.