Youngest dean to head SMU law school from July

SMU Associate Professor Goh Yihan has been appointed the new Dean of the SMU School of Law (SOL), following an extensive and rigorous global search that started in September 2016. Associate Professor Goh, who is currently the Associate Dean (Research), will succeed Professor Yeo Tiong Min as Dean of SOL from 1 July 2017 for a five-year term. Professor Yeo will continue as Yong Pung How Chair Professor of Law at SMU SOL.

SMU Provost Professor Lily Kong noted the impressive career and background of the incoming Dean. "In Associate Professor Goh, we have a new Dean who brings a deep understanding and knowledge of the School and Singapore law, as well as strong networks and familiarities with the legal community," she said. Professor Kong also lauded Prof Yeo "for his tremendous commitment, able leadership and immense contributions." On his appointment, Associate Prof Goh said: "It is an honour to succeed Professor Yeo, who has dedicated himself selflessly to the Deanship for the past five years. Indeed, I am privileged to be given the opportunity to lead the SMU School of Law as it enters a pivotal point of its history 10 years after its initial establishment."