Mobile app to promote youths' financial literacy

A new mobile game application, "1 Million Dollar Journey" - developed by SMU students and staff, the Institute of Technical Education (ITE), as well as Citibank staff - seeks to educate young adults on budgeting and saving through the interactive game platform. The app, which simulates an individual's financial journey, was officially launched last month during the two-day Financial Literacy Awareness Day event/carnival held at ITE College West on Aug 17-18. The carnival was held in conjunction with SMU and ITE's official announcement of their continued collaboration to deliver a series of financial literacy training and pedagogical support courses for ITE students and staff for another three years. The collaboration between SMU and ITE College West started in 2012, and will be extended to ITE Colleges Central and East for the next three years. Under the collaboration, both institutions will develop content and pedagogy on financial literacy as well as train ITE staff and students as facilitators for the Financial Literacy Programme. SMU Lee Kong Chian School of Business undergraduate Wilson Teo, a Citi-SMU financial literacy trainer who has conducted more than 20 lessons for ITE students, said the app complements and builds on the concepts he and his colleagues try to impart to the students.