Managing a diverse workforce

In a special feature, SMU Lee Kong Chian School of Business Associate Professor of Organisational Behaviour and Human Resources Tan Hwee Hoon shared her tips on talent retention, managing a Gen Y workforce and building trust with employees. She noted that business owners and senior managers should see these issues as opportunities rather than threats. On the thorny issue of job-hopping, Associate Prof Tan said a mindset shift is needed among employers. She suggested that employers should keep in touch with Gen Y employees who leave, and observe their career development, or even keep in close contact and be their mentors. She stressed that even as people come and go, employers should still develop Gen Y employees within the period of time that they are with the company, and keep enabling them to learn. Another area Associate Prof Tan has been researching in the past 10 years is how trust can be built in a culturally diverse workforce. She concluded that the takeaway for bosses in collectivist cultures is that for their subordinates to trust them, they must be competent in their work and also take an active personal interest in their subordinates’ well-being.